Mannequins are and always will be one of the most powerful tools among successful clothing retailers around the world. Today they are continuing to play a growing role in retail clothing sales. Mannequins don’t just sell the clothes they’re wearing, but also all the clothes around them. They create a certain “feel” to the store and create an image in the mind of the consumers of what to expect from the clothes the store carries.
Successful retailers go a step further than just having the “average” mannequin. They want a customized mannequin to showcase a certain style of clothing. Everything from length, color, and bust size are an important factor to show the perfect fit of what they’re selling. Mannequins are not just for display; they’re there to make a split-second connection with the consumers on an emotional level. In order to do that retailers must understand that different clothing is for different people: everyone is a different size, shape, color, etc. You want to make the consumers’ shopping experience personal: if there is no connection, there is no sense of “need to buy” and in the end that is the main goal.